Pre-Trial Quiz

Questions marked with a * are required
Research study title: The Kids Trial: An online randomised trial.
If you're happy for your child to take part in The Kid's Trial, please fill in this form and help your child fill in their own ASSENT form, too.
Remember, you must fill out a separate consent form for each child in your home who wants to join the trial. Please use a different email address for each child.
Please make sure you have read or listened to the Parents' & Caregivers' Information Flipbook on the website.
Please read the following statements:
  • I have reviewed the Parents' & Caregivers' Information Flipbook and the Privacy Notice on the website.
  • I can withdraw my child from The Kid's Trial at any time without giving any reason.
  • I have had an opportunity to think about the information in the Flipbook and Privacy Notice and had any questions answered by the Research Team.
  • I understand my child’s and my own rights in relation to this study.
  • I understand the data collected during this study will be processed in compliance with data protection laws as explained in the Parents’/Caregivers’ Information Flipbook and Privacy Notice on The Kid's Trial website.
  • I understand the data collected during this study will be securely stored for seven (7) years after the completion of the trial.
  • I understand that all information I provide will be kept confidential, subject to legal limitations. This means that if my child or I tell the researcher that someone is in immediate danger or risk of harm, the researcher is required to report this to the relevant authorities.