Running the trial!
(Step 3)

Questions marked with a * are required
Please read the following statements:

  • I have reviewed the Parents' & Caregivers' Information Flipbook and the Privacy Notice on the website.
  • I can withdraw my child from The Kid's Trial at any time without giving any reason.
  • I have had an opportunity to think about the information in the Flipbook and Privacy Notice and had any questions answered by the Research Team.
  • I understand my child’s and my own rights in relation to this study.
  • I understand the data collected during this study will be processed in compliance with data protection laws as explained in the Parents’/Caregivers’ Information Flipbook and Privacy Notice on The Kid's Trial website.
  • I understand the data collected during this study will be securely stored for seven (7) years after the completion of the trial.
  • I understand that all information I provide will be kept confidential, subject to legal limitations. This means that if my child or I tell the researcher that someone is in immediate danger or risk of harm, the researcher is required to report this to the relevant authorities.