
Type 1 diabetes priority setting partnership ranking survey

Can you help us decide the important questions that should be answered by research to improve the wellbeing of people and families impacted by type 1 diabetes? 

This survey is for people over the age of 18 who have ever been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, someone who is close to someone who lives with type 1 diabetes (eg family member, partner or friend) or are a professional involved in the care of adults with type 1 diabetes. 

We are asking people to select from a list provided by the type 1 diabetes community of research priorities and help us create a Top 10 list of research priorities.
We are asking participants in this survey to do two things. 

1) Out of the list of 65 research priorities list, please select 10 of the research priorities that you would consider most relevant to the diabetes community. 

2) After you have selected ten research priorities, you click enter, you will be brought to another question. Where you will be asked to rank the research priorities you selected in order of importance.